
True Grit

I consider myself (obviously) a fiend for movies. Unfortunately, I've been missing out on many of the Coen brothers' movies. That said, Oscar season is upon us, and the Coen brothers are at it again, releasing another movie into the mix of films that are being tossed around to win a coveted trophy. True Grit is released just in time for consideration by the academy, but does it deserve any nominations or wins at next years ceremony? I think so. At least some nominations.

Rather than being a remake of the John Wayne version of the film of yesteryear, the movie follows the book more closely (neither of which I have watched or read, so I will avoid comparisons). Told from the perspective of Mattie Ross, this is one of the areas where the movie excels. Hailee Steinfeld, the 14 year-old girl responsible for the role of Mattie, gives a performance that is beyond her years. At points, I almost forgot her character was only as old as she was. The character was written extremely well and superbly acted by Steinfeld. From interviews that I've read, it seems like the girl has the maturity and sense to pick her roles wisely. If she does, she will definitely be one to watch out for. While deserving of a nomination, she might miss out on one in an already overcrowded category.

Another strong point of the movie was Jeff Bridges' performance. I'm not a huge fan of his, and before writting this review, I couldn't tell you what else he has been in (other than Tron). In retrospect, I have enjoyed a lot of his movies, so my neutrality towards him is unwarranted. To be frank, I can't think of any other actor who would have played Rooster Cogborn as well as Bridges did. While somewhat of an ass, his character was charming, and you can't help but like him. Steinfeld and Bridges work well together. Watching their friendship develop onscreen was beautiful, in a non-creepy way, even though you can tell Mattie is infatuated with Rooster. If Bridges isn't nominated for Best Actor, you can bet tables will be flipped.

The last place I thought the film really excelled was in the writing. You can't go wrong with a Coen brothers' script (I assume). This is the fourth adaption coming from the Coen brothers. Being favorites of the academy, I won't be surprised if the screenplay is nominated for an award. I was assuming this movie was going to be dramatic, and while it is considered a drama, I found myself laughing throughout. Even though I won't, this is one of those movies that makes me want to read the book.

I forgot Matt Damon was even in this movie before watching it. When he showed up, I said, "Oh, Matt Damon." He plays his role well, and watching the dynamic between his character and the other two was amusing. His performance wasn't anything spectacular though; at least I wasn't impressed by it. And I don't even know how to feel about Josh Brolin. He is capable of giving great performances, but his track record is so ridiculous. Even though his character is the motivator for Mattie's journey, he isn't in the movie for that long. However, he does do well with the screen-time he is given.

True Grit is definitely one of my favorite movies of the year, and I highly recommend going to see it. It has made me a fan of the Coen brothers. If it doesn't get any recognition this year, I will be slightly disappointed.

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Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

"You are Jack Sparrow"
"There should be a Captain in there somewhere."

Let the hyperventilating begin!

I'm loving the newly revealed teaser trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. On Stranger Tides is the fourth entry into the Pirates franchise, and said to be the beginning of a new trilogy. I don't care. Give me as many Pirates movies as possible. I will see each one at least five times. Loosely based on a book by the same name, On Stranger Tides hits theaters on May 20, 2011.

This trailer paints the movie as less of a Dead Man's Chest or At World's End, and more like a Curse of the Black Pearl. It seems more fun and simple like the first one, with less at stake like in the sequels. Critics of the Dead Man's Chest and World's End whine about how the story became too ridiculous and complicated, and that they didn't fit in with Black Pearl. They can rot on the bottom of Davy Jone's locker for all I care. I love the sequels just as much as the original. The newest Pirates movie seems like a return to true form, and I couldn't be more excited.

I don't know what more I could ask for in a movie: Pirates, zombies, mermaids, more pirates, etc. I can't handle it, to be honest. Two notable scenes in the trailer that make me laugh every time are when Angelica (Cruz) shouts at Jack in Spanish (0:54) and when Jack screams (1:26). This trailer couldn't be any more perfect, hitting all the right notes in the process. Only thing I wish it featured more is Barbossa. He's a boss. Read more!


The Warrior's Way

I'm baaaaaaaaaack! :)

I found The Warrior's Way to be more than what I was expecting. After watching the trailer (which you can see below), I was slightly intrigued by the combination of samurai and cowboys (similar to how I'm excited for next year's Cowboys & Aliens). I was cautious, because while the concept of the movie was cool, it had all the makings for a disaster. For starters, it was filmed over three years ago, and it is essentially being dumped into a wasteland of a weekend. There are no other films, beside this one, in wide release this weekend.

I went into this movie with extremely low expectations. I kept asking myself, "How can this not be bad?" It is a B movie after all. From the looks of the trailer, it appeared like the movie was going to take itself seriously too. Surprisingly, it doesn't. There was a charm to the movie and it was actually pretty funny. I worked a screening of movie for my internship, and one of the audience members told me afterward that it was "more than a B movie, I'd say B+ movie," and I couldn't agree more.

It was definitely a lot better than I was expecting, and good for what it is. One of the stand out scenes includes the warrior taking down a hallway full of henchmen lit only by the strobe light-like bursts from the guns. Let's just say it's way better than Jonah Hex from earlier this summer. This is a fun choice if you're looking for a new movie to catch this weekend and I'd recommend checking it out if you've seen everything else you wanted to see.

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